Sunday, January 21, 2007

quote of the day

i was watching an old episode of Real World (from last week) where two roommates were talking about the girl hooking up with another roommate. here is what was said:

girl- i completely understand that davis... is not ever going to be interested in me and anything more than a friend. i dont want it to go further than that. i dont. and as soon as i think its going to go further than that, and thats what he wants, eww, not interested. bye.

boy- you basically just described a [blank] tease.

girl- yeah, i am a tease. but the difference is i like to like flirt and everything. i dont like to go beyond that. unless its someone who i really really like.

So what is the difference again?


Mike said...

The "boy" seems to have been mistaken to begin with. From "girl's" first comment it sounds like she wants benefits with out a committed relationship. That's not a c-tease, that's someone who just wants a f-buddy.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Davis the gay guy? I haven't been watching this season in Denver but i did catch like the first 2 eps. What girl is he hooking up with?

Anonymous said...

She is indeed referring to Davis...he is indeed the guy one.