Monday, January 29, 2007

nice try heather

check out this receipt i found in my desk at work today (some of you who contributed to the bill may have seen this before):

notice anything different? in case you missed it the waitress tried to pull a fast one. a big tab, to a group of guys... she went ahead and tacked on gratuity and then tried to be sneaky and cover it up, hoping to get tipped twice. i recognize the effort, but this is just shady. expecially when you are getting way too much of a tip for your poor service.

my advice to heather (the name of the server, atleast that is what it said on the top): maybe if you werent such a horrible waitress you wouldnt need to do things like this.


Eric said...

Wasn't that only about half the bill too? Yikes.

Mike said...

Wait, the waitress at that place tried something shady? Who would of thunk? Bonus: the only word I could really understand from the list of purchases was skittles.

Unknown said...

Ha, yeah. You were the sober one who caught her. I was definitely ready to giver her another $130.

Unknown said...

In fact, remember that we had to track her down in the break room to get the tab? She definitely thought she was getting paid twice, so she didn't have to work the rest of hte night.

Brian said...

i dont think when 6 people share a $600 tab that anyone is sober... clearly you werent if you thought i was...

M1kemartin said...


Dave Packer said...

we should prob go back there and yell at her or something.

Baseblogger said...

ah Nexus.

Unknown said...

I had never been so happy to spend $165 on skittles