Thursday, April 05, 2007

taking it off on American Idol

I am not sure if I am the only only one who noticed that it looks like Haley is playing strip American Idol. It seems each week she removes one article of clothing. I heard next week they are installing a pole on stage to enhance the performances. (If that is true MF will probably be there- side note how awesome would it be if that did happen and then MF made it rain like Pacman Jones on American Idol.) If you want my opinion, I don't mind the way she dresses and I hope she makes it far in the competition. I think my favorite is still Blake, but she is in my top 3 or 4.

It should come as no surprise that Sanjaya was safe once again. I have mentioned him before, but his arrogance is really starting to bother me. I admit the thought had crossed my mind that he could be getting tons of votes from people in India. I have called customer service numbers and been rerouted to India, so it seemed like a possible explanation for his survival. But according to this article that is not true. Although I believe that people from India are not the reason he is still on the show, I do not think that the show airing a day later in India is the reason. I think they are certainly advanced and savvy enough to figure it out and vote for him if they wanted.

That discussion reminded me of another book that I am currently reading and recommend. Though not as good as WDIT, The World is Flat is very interesting. To confirm for those of you who know me and my tendencies- yes, that is two books I am reading.


Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the radio guy from Philly that is sitting on his roof until Sanjaya gets the boot? He's been up there a week already. It's about time someone took a stand...

Anonymous said...

The guy is actually sitting on a billboard. The morning show he's from is terrible and it's such a hack DJ bit, but Sanjaya annoys the hell out of me. You wouldn't think a 28 year old guy would care about AI but 'Jaya sucks and his arrogance about the whole thing gets me fired up.

chuck zoi said...

I don't see Sanjaya as arrogant at all. I think he knows he's a joke and is an amazingly good sport about it. I kind of feel sorry for him. It isn't his fault people decided to vote for the trainwreck, or that the producers are playing it up.

Brian said...

i used to feel bad for him when he was like a little innocent kid who couldnt sing (relative to the others) on a singing show. it isnt his fault but he was more like-able in the past. he seems to exude more confidence and whenever he talks it just rubs me the wrong way. i wish there were a better figure-head for the 'train wreck' vote. i suppose ultimately my dislike comes from the fact that he is clearly the worst and is taking the place of a more capable singer.

then again, there lies the beauty of american idol. also i have never blogged about any other contestant so much. so from that perspective i recognize the awesomeness of his presence.

if that even makes sense...

Mike said...

I heard somewhere (I forget now) that Simon has been quoted as saying that he will quit if Sanjaya wins. This kid could take down the AI empire.

Anonymous said...

Have you guys heard there's a woman who has been starving herself until Sanjaya is booted off...and now there's a man who's binging until Sanjaya is voted off