Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Is it just me...

I am wondering why some people pronounce the word across incorrectly. They add a "t" to the end of it and say acrost. I want to know why this happens. I sort of hate it. I have noticed similiar mistakes on other words, like idear instead of just idea. And I dont think its the result of an accent, its just a case of people saying the wrong thing. I also want to know if the people who say these words this way know they are doing it. And if so, is it because of how they think it is spelled? I am in the dark here, perhaps there is a good reason why people say these words differently than I do.


I wrote a blog entry yesterday and it was real long. And by real long I mean boring and not funny. I was a little ticked off by something that happened to a guy I work with and so I wrote about it. But then I never posted it because I didnt think anyone would enjoy reading about it. The moral of the story is my friend got a parking ticket for a violation he didnt commit. After going to court, the judge ruled against him. It was pretty much his word vs. the meter monitor person who wrote the ticket. They said he was parked in the zone for longer than 2 hours. I liek justice, and I am sad to say that it was not served in this case. And to make things worse, instead of just paying the fine he also had to pay court costs and waste his vacation time at work. This might not sound like an original story (or exciting) but I get frustrated with our legal system when it fails. He is a hardworking American citizen, wrongly convicted of a crime and it makes me angry. I will stop there [you can see why i didnt post my 3 page write up of the circumstances.]

The one thing the post that never was did have was an awesome link, so I will include that here just for fun.


Eric said...

David Justice was on the Athletics?

Eric said...

Maybe he should have blown a justicy load on the judge

Mike said...

Debbie used to pronounce breakfast as something like breckfix. It drove me ABSOLUTELY NUTS! How can you possibly that far off? Is it really that hard to pronounce "ast"? I don't think it is. I corrected her every single time she said it for the good of the english language.

Eric said...

Have you ever heard Jake say breakfast. I'm not sure if he does it every time but I've definitely heard him say breffest. My pronounces shrimp srimp and huge uuge

Brian said...

he also says things like kwhauledge for college and kerry khoolins

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's how we say things in Gettysburg... fine, I minus well go eat a hut breffest and then sit on my tollet in CanTon while thinking about PSU, the best khawledge ever.

Anonymous said...

Two of my least favorites from the Western PA vernacular are "crick" instead of "creek" and "eem" instead of "him" (if you watch the CBS football coverage, one of their game commentators does this relentlessly).

Also, Philly people are pretty poor English speakers, too. They do not pronounce any vowel correctly, and I hate, *HATE* the saying "down the shore" -- BLECH! For the love of God, use a preposition!

I am an offender on two words; however, I like to think that I might be pronouncing them correctly and it is the rest of you weirdos who say them wrong:

1) "may-sure" instead of "measure"
2) "seal" instead of "sill" (as in window sill)

Brian said...

maysure and seal arent that noticable though. it could probably even be written off as an accent, even if its not. same goes with the way Jake says things. They are slightly different than the way others say things, but not as significant as adding a 'T' to a word that doesnt have one.

I have started thinking that maybe the people who say accrost think they are using the correct word.

I dont know why i didnt think of this before, but its like when people say 'ValenTIMES' day or they add an 'S' to words that dont have one.