hi friends, if you are still out there. i want to appologize for not posting in half a year, i have just been busy with things more important than this blog. and there is no one to blame except my blog itself. it got jealous of all my activities and told me to chose between it and other stuff. so i sat it down, looked it right in the monitor, and asked it if it saw the redskins game last weekend.
after 6 lonely months with a story about falling, it emailed me last week and told me it was sorry and asked if i would come back to it. i agreed, explaining that it would only be a part time thing. i asked the blog if it had a problem with me writing less often than in the past. it responded with an email that was only three words. the email said: It's Not Wrong
great to have you back, guyman. still waiting on those ws pics, b the w.
BBer, btw its btw not b the w.
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