Sunday, August 20, 2006

not so original

when creating my blogger profile i kept the details to a minimum. i noticed a while back that when you view someones profile (most of the time i do this after someone has posted a comment by clicking on their name) you can see all of their interests, favorite movies, etc. then one day i got crazy and clicked on a word that was listed in someones profile. i was able to see other users who also had that movie/book/interest listed. well for whatever reason i checked my profile today and saw that i put speling as my list of interests. i thought i was being clever and original by spelling spelling wrong. it seems there are other people out there who have done the same thing. i wish i checked when i first created my profile to see if there were others. i hope that i was the first person to have that listed in my profile. because now, to be honest, its not that funny. its sort of embarressing to have a not funny joke, and its even worse when it is unoriginal. i think i will remove it but i will wait and do it in a few days in case anyone reading this doesnt know what i am talking about and wants to check it out.


Mike said...

I don't think it's necessarily unoriginal, but it is also sorta an easy-clever (if you will, and personally, I will) to make. Especially for people who like to write.

Eric said...

The funny thing about that is the purpose of blogger creating hyperlinks out of your interests is so that were one inclined they could click on that and see who shares their interests. You did that and saw that there were other people who made the same joke and are pissed.

Steph said...

Well you answered a question for me.
I always wondered if people actually READ that stuff, let alone clicked on the links.