Thursday, March 24, 2005


So this is my first post in my new blogger. I dont really have any particular topic that i feel like writing about. If you know me than you are probably thinking that wont stop me from talking or typing. Well, you must know me well, because you are correct.

I will warn anyone reading this that I am not particularly good with words. I am not what you would call a good writer. I have a very limited vocabulary. I dont read very many books. So thats an overview of me.

Now about this journal... it is something new that I have never tried. But I feel like I have a lot to say so I figured why not write it down. I have no focus, instead I plan on using this as a preview/snapshot/sample of one aspect of my life.

Consider you are walking through the Mall of Life (Elton John CD's are not sold here don't worry). Instead of the department store you go into the food court of fun. You still aren't sure what you want, but you sample the chicken on the toothpick. You are pretty certain that you don't even want the chicken, but you get it anyways. To make things worse, you are less concerned with getting any enjoyment out of the chicken and more concerned with not getting a bad bite. A bad bite is when you eat chicken and you get something that is not meat. Anyways, back to the food court of fun. Consider this blog a free sample of chicken from my restaurant.

So now you have an idea of what i am trying to accomplish with this blog. Or maybe you don't. Perhaps you have no idea and you are just wondering why you were in some crazy mall eating Brian's bird for lunch. In either case, I hope you didn't hate it that much. And that maybe you will ever consider coming back to this site and reading more.

So a final thought for this post. I was thinking about this a lot lately (well really not at all, I just thought of it)... i think it is annoying when you are sitting next to someone on the airplane and they try to impress you. i recently went to las vegas and sat next to this guy. he was cool, very nice, and probably quite successful. But he was so pressed to make me think he was the man. And the worst part was that I was genuinely unimpressed. I didnt care. This guy saw my friend reading a car magazine and was like "i have a sweet benz" and i was like "nice" as i eat my peanuts and pretend to be interested in the ingredients. So then he sees the Maxim (or whatever other magazine we had) and comes back with "my wife is hot, and really cool because she lets me come out here one weekend a year with all my boys" so I fake nod and still dont even make eye contact with this guy. Ok this story is getting lame, and thats really all i care to say about that. Just be careful to not end up being that guy, he is what I would call a pinner.

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